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Fig. 5 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research

Fig. 5

From: m6A modified BACE1-AS contributes to liver metastasis and stemness-like properties in colorectal cancer through TUFT1 dependent activation of Wnt signaling

Fig. 5

BACE1-AS promotes CRC metastasis through TUFT1. A CRC patients with BACE1-AS/TUFT1 ceRNA network suffered shorter overall survival. B TUFT1 expression was decreased in BACE1-AS knockout cells. Actin served as a loading control. Representative blots from three experiments were shown (left panel). Ratios of the level of TUFT1 vs. Actin were calculated using NIH Image J 1.61 (right panel). **p < 0.01. C Ectopic expression of TUFT1 restored TUFT1 level in BACE1-AS knock-out cells. Actin served as a loading control. Representative blots from three experiments are shown (upper panel). Ratios of the level of TUFT1 vs. Actin were calculated using NIH Image J 1.61 (lower panel). **p < 0.01. D Ectopic expression of TUFT1 restored metastasis abilities in BACE1-AS knockout cells determined by trans-well assay. E Exogenous expression of TUFT1 rescued tumor sphere formation ability in BACE1-AS knockout cells. Representative images are shown (left panel). Bar graphs show the mean numbers (middle panel) and diameters (right panel) of tumorspheres. F Exogenous expression of TUFT1 restored liver metastasis capability in BACE1-AS knockout cell

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